First one was the toughest of all, and glad that it's the first to over. The "scariest" part is to fill in the blanks filled with lots of technical terms which I'm still not familiar with. Anyway, will see how it'll turns out when the lecturer discuss it in Tuesday's class.
The next paper, Communication Psychology was OK as I managed to answer all the questions within the timeframe. Just hopefully I didn't apply the wrong concept in it.
Friday's the toughest day as I had 4 papers from 9am to 4pm straight.
First paper of the day is Japanese language, which the format is very different from what I've done before. It doesn't seem to be hard, just that I'm gonna get used to the format.
Good thing the next paper, Music Therapy, we're allowed to write in English which helps a lot considering my brain runs faster thinking in English hah. I think I managed to pull it out quite well, but then it's up to the lecturer's side whether it's good enough or not.
Many people are kinda amazed that I took Chinese Culture lesson which basically talks about history of China. Only 2 questions asked but it took me an hour to finish it off. First is talk about the Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑) and about Zhou dynasty (周朝).
I'm not quite sure how the teacher would rate it....
Final paper of the day was a rather light one, English. But don't get fooled, it's a mixture of English with Japanese, as some parts require us to translate Eng-Japan and vice-versa. Good thing it came out exactly from the textbook so if you've revised the textbook it'll be OK.
For this coming week there's actually 2 more papers to go. One being a coursework to design a summer camp flyer using Microsoft Word and another paper-based test about Computer thingy on Tuesday.
Here's a preview of the Microsoft Word coursework.
Do note that I'm not that talented to create the header, found it on the Internet heh.
Anyway, this weekend been revisiting some landmarks of Kawagoe to see how the landscape had changed from Spring to Summer.
Hope these pics will keep this blog alive for sometime 'til my next update. 'til then, seeya. :)
Ha.. you go back Kawagoe so often. Next time bring me too. ^^
ReplyDeletesure no prob!! :D