14 March 2009

E-mail tag

Friends keep on forwarding this mail tag and it's kinda interesting to do it on the blog here.  :)

現在幾點: 2007

你的全名: C Ling Fan
你現在正在聽的歌: George Winston
你在哪裡讀書(工作): LPC Japan Education Centre
你最後吃的一樣東西是什麼: Home-cooked flat noodle
現在天氣如何: Slightly raining
戴隱形眼鏡嗎 : Nope.
上一次生日蛋糕上蠟燭的數目: Can't remember, because I don't have a cake to blow the candles!
你通常吹熄這些蠟燭的日期 : 6th March
星座: Pisces
你家養過什麼: Nothing, parents doesn't like to have any pets.
兄弟姊妹跟他們的年紀: 2 sisters, 24 & 27
眼珠顏色: Dark brown
有刺青嗎: No
喜歡你目前的生活嗎: So far so good, content with most of the things.
出生地: KL
住地: somewhere near Wangsa Maju
覺得自己花心嗎:hmm.... I think no.
曾經出過車禍嗎:a self-inflicted small accident, but came close to hit or being hit by other cars lol.
暗戀過人嗎: Did.
不敢跟人告白嗎:Did, but doesn't work.
喜歡吃啥:Chicken-related food? lol....
喜歡喝什麼: Ice-chilled drinks.
喜欢的顏色: Red, black, blue.
喜歡的數字:3, 6, 9
喜歡看哪一種的電影: Sci-Fi, Action & Animation.
最喜歡的卡通人物: Kakashi Hatake.
最懷念的日子: Don't really have any memorable day.
喜歡的flower: No feeling towards flower.
最怕遇到的人: Psycho killer & terrorist.
喜歡的運動: Football, Table Tennis & Badminton
喜欢的冰淇淋種纇: Chocolate
最怕什麼東西: Certain insects
喜歡看的電視台: Discovery Channel, National Geography.
如果有來世,你最想當: Naturist? Get close to the nature~
討厭做的事:Searching for something.
討厭別人做什麼: Showing off, arrogant, irrational.
擅長的事: Write blog? And analyse songs?
上次上醫院是什麼時候: Last Nov, visit my father.
以後想做什麼職業: Sound Engineer
你覺得自己十年後會在哪裡: If not in Malaysia then perhaps Jpn.
無聊的時候你大多做些什麼 : online, listen music, read book.
世上最惱人的事:People cannot live together with peacefully.
全世界最好的事: Truth, Compassion, and Love (quote from Yanni)
目前有男(女)友嗎: Nope.
如果有人誤會你,你会: Try to explain and reason.
如果有人誤會你,又不聽你的解釋: Frustrated, wait for another time to explain again.
有想過要怎麼對付你討厭的人嗎:Prove that the person is flawed, regardless of any methods used.
你認為你的另一半幫你付錢是理所當然的嗎: Depends on situation, but mostly either share out together or guy pay for her.
現在心裡最想念的人是谁: No one.
要幾歲結婚: ~35.
依你心裡覺得重要度先後排列:Myself, people around me, and the world.
今天心情好嗎:Not bad, a lazy and relaxing day.
有想过自殺嗎:Nah, life's good to die so early!! :D

现在幾點了: 2034

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