Since I dont have anything bout myself to write here, I decide to introduce you all some blogs that I usually read.
Some of the links I've posted right on the side-bar, but I guess you probably wouldn't notice it since it's placed near the bottom. I'm still yet to figure out when I will start to sort things out. :S
So here it goes.... will sort out one by one alphabetically!
Chan Lilian - 5xMom
I guess she's the most famous blogging aunties around. I follow her blog for quite some time already, since 2005 I guess?
I found her blog interesting because she's quite up-to-date and her posts gave me another perspective for seeing things. She usually blogs about her family, daily life, food, politics etc.
Dont worry, everything she wrote can be easily digested, if you're a Malaysian and understands Manglish and a few Chinese dialects, I'm sure you'll enjoy reading it.
Besides her main personal blog, she do maintain a few other blogs specifically for different topics. The other blogs I like is MalaysiaBest & Penang Street Foods, both are food blogs which I drools whenever I read them.
Thanks to her, I got my domain! :D
Chris Pirillo
Chris is one of my first tech guru. Watched his show "Call4Help" on TechTV back in 2003, when I first got my DSL line, the time where I started my "age of discovery" of the Internet. :)
I learn a lots of stuffs from his program, some I still use it since now, like Flickr. Too bad the show was discountinued in 2004, this guy went missing.
Found out about his blog few months ago while searching for some tech stuffs which I landed myself into this familiar mentor's blog, yeah!
Chris' blog is kinda geeky and nerdy, catered for those techno-savvy guys.
One thing his blog is special is that there's the live video stream running 24/7 which you can watch it on his blog. His blog posts are usually accompanied by a Youtube vid he recorded, it's sort of a vlog (video blog).
If you think you're a geek like me, you'll find his blog very informative and useful at some points. Do note that his blog loads quite long though, at least for me, mainly is because the live video stream stuff he's putting on.
Danny Choo
Just found this blog quite recent, few months back I suppose, while in the midst of finding Gundam infos.
Danny is a UK-borned Malaysian Chinese whom currently residing and working in Tokyo, Japan. His father is the famous Jimmy Choo, the shoemaker of the late Princess Diana, a fact I only found out like last week after reading his blog for months.
Danny's blog covers quite a lot of stuffs, but mainly is life he's having in Japan, from company works (he founds his own company, Mirai Inc.), to otaku stuffs (Gundam, figures, manga/comic, anime etc), and sometimes a piece of his daily life.
One of his most notable feat on the net is his Dancing Storm Trooper video he recorded in the busy streets of Japan. You can have some laugh here in this and this video.
If you're a fan of Japan culture, you'll sure love his blog! Reading his blog is like getting closer to Japan lol!
Jason Mumbles
He's a net buddy whom we share a lot of Gundam stuffs together. Hailed from the historical city of Melaka, he's a photographer for The Star and an avid food lover, a gourmet I would say.
Like his profession, his blog mainly consist of FOOD, FOOD and MORE FOOD. Occasionally he blogs about other stuffs like photography, friends & family, life and something else.
One thing I dislike his blog is that whenever I read his blog when my stomach is empty, I would suffer from mental insult by his food pictures. Reading him enjoy all the glorious food out there while I'm starving, I felt like wanna grab those food from the screen LOL!
Looking forward one day we go eat together lol!
Kenny Sia
Probably the most famous personal blogger in Malaysia. Every post he made will definitely spur up something, at least it tickles your sense of humour. Reading his blog is all about laughing your days off. If you need an instant impression about his blog, read one of his latest entry here.
This guy travels a lot, though he's based in Kuching, Sarawak, most of the time he's flying all the way around the region, either clubbing in KL, enjoying the natural wonders of Oceania, or exploring the best of the South-East Asia.
Sometimes reading his old posts may result in unexpected or forgotten jokes, which would make you laugh 'til your stomach ached.
Feel free to hop into his blog if you think that you need something to boost your mood.
Liew is one of the first few professional bloggers here in Malaysia. He resigned from his job sometime ago to concentrate on serious blogging.
So what is the nature of his blog? Geeky techno stuffs again....
I learn one or two tips from his blog, one of them being earn some $$ online. So far it works pretty good for me.
There was once I bump into him in LRT. Hah, he looks just like a geek in real.
Paul Tan
Paul is one of the most reliable source for automotive industry, locally and abroad. Unlike those fellas I mentioned up there, Paul isn't a geek, in fact he's the pro when it comes to cars.
I rely on his blog to check out new cars in the local market. He did quite a lot of reviews on cars, as well as showcasing future models. I also learn more in depth about our local car industries, namely Proton & Perodua.
If you feel like wanna drive something, you might check out his blog there.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamand - Che Det
The most talk-about new character arriving in the local blogsphere, the blog of our former Prime Minister. He just started to blog in May, but unique visits hit 1 million just within one month. Checking at my blog stats, I still have months to reach my first 1M visits, heh.
Tun M is a great man I highly respected, not just because of his brilliant brain, but also because he was my father's boss. He may be a controversial figure while he's still in the office, but he has all the reasons and visions behind all his decisions which some people may find it insane & irrelevant for the time being.
Since he's the top man of the country for more than 2 decades, basically the nature of his blog is all about critic the current government and the policies. Likewise, it's a heavy-political influential blog.
Oh, his daughter Marina blogs as well. I guess she's one of them who persuades Tun M to start his own blog.
One thing however, I'm dumbfounded with Tun M is his decision to choose Abdullah as his successor to be the 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Like the Chinese says, "圣人千虑必有一失". A wise man may made mistakes as well, but this is a critical mistake he has made.
I hope you could find something interesting from the blogs I usually read. Here's a tool I highly recommend to follow up all the blogs is this, Google Reader.
It's very easy, just throw in the blog's link into the subscription, and you'll be notified with all the new posts the blogger just published.
In this way, you will save a lot of time to browse through all the blogs everyday checking for the updates. Now you can just hop into their blog to check out the new stuffs whenever they're on.
Also, Google Reader integrate well into iGoogle.
thanks for support :)