For your information, Tonci is the primary composer for Yanni's music.
There's 5 tracks mixed in this soundclip. All these tracks are of course, composed by Tonci Huljic himself.
#1 Croatian Rhapsody (The Piano Player)
#2 "new track from new album"
#3 "new track from new album"
#4 Cubana Cubana (The Piano Player)
#5 Child in Paradise (Electrik)
1st track, Croatian Rhapsody features a very different approach from the original pieces which accompanied by percussion & strings. It started slowly, and then suddenly came into life with a very strong emotion within the song. You may compare the original version, listen to the original here.
2nd track, I think maybe this is the piece "Love Storm" from the new album? It sounds serene and sweet, possible a love serenade.
3rd track, it sounds more aggressive and fast-paced. I guess this is the "Posejdon's Tales" track from new album.
4th track, good old Cubana Cubana from the 1st album. The intro started differently, but sounds nice. The rhythm is pretty much the same compared to the earlier version.
Original version preview can be listened here.
5th track, Child in Paradise from the 4th album. It used to be a piece focusing on the piano treble, with percussions and other instruments backup the bass part. In this new version the piano took over the bass part as well, I think overshadowed the treble part as the bass is too strong. Still, a wonderful piece, one of my favourite track from that album.
Original version can be listened here.
Noticed all these tracks are played in piano only? This is one of the feature in this upcoming album!
Album pic:
The album will be called PURE, indicating this album is pure piano pieces. :)
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