B. Melayu, yea I still remember I faced problems while answering the paper. Maybe I get this mark is because my handwritting is too messy to be read. I rushed for the last novel part in just few minutes time, and I mentioned, one of the hardest BM paper I ever had. Still.... getting 4B for it is a bit, erm, too less? If my handwritting is nice, maybe I can get 3B, as a consolation at least.....
English, scored 1A, no surprise. GCE O level standard scored 2A though. Not many people can get 1A for the GCE O level part. Congratz to Chen Leong who scored 1A for the GCE O part though.
Moral, hahah my nemesis. I've no feeling getting 4B on this subject, even the teacher who thought me Moral last year also have nothing much to say about it. A useless subject, but I wonder why JPA scholarship's requirement is at least 2A for this subject? Hmm....
History, should be an easy paper but at the end of the day I got 3B. Mr Chandran, my ex-History teacher told me that this time the passing mark for History is quite high because many pre-SPM prediction is almost close to the real questions, so somehow the standard went higher then previous years.
Modern Maths, 1A. Nothing much to say about this.
Geography, yea I'm happy I've managed to scored 1A for this subject. As an extra subject, I've to work out harder on this subject because we hardly can get a proper lesson from the tutor. Anyhow, those 6 students who're taking this paper all scored A as wells.
Additional Maths, a surprise 1A for me!! Before this I didnt expect to score an A for my Add Math!! My previous record shows that the best I can achieve is B, and yeah really surprise I can get marks like this!
Physics, of all 3 Science subjects this is my worst. Well, not that bad, it's under my prediction, a 3B. I've problem struggling with physic since then, getting a B to settle it up is still acceptable, for me.
Chemistry and Biology, favourite subjects and both manage to get 2A for it. Can get A for these 2 subjects are consider good already, I'm glad that I didnt get B for these 2. If it wasnt the potassium manganate salt problem plus the rodents & cow's digestive systems, I think I can get 1A for these 2. Anyway that 2 problems can be ignored, it's over now. Hahah....
Chinese, I was confident doing this paper but the result for me, is not so good and not so bad. Average.... 3B.
English for Science and Technology, those who mess with computers and Internet quite often will easily get good marks for this paper. Many of my friends stumbled on this paper, getting 3B only, if not they can straight away get full As. Me? I scored 1A for this, of course. :P
What's my feeling when getting the result slip? 60% upset and 40% delighted. Those subjects I expected to score A didnt score. Say, BM and Chinese, if one of them get 2A at least I wont felt so disappointed, usually my exam result for the languages will be 2 As and 1 B, not this time though. They say language subjects are quite tough this time. Maybe, but there's still quite alot of friends scored A for those subjects.
Overall I felt a little upset with my result, because I aim for 10 As before this. If only I do well in the languages.... maybe things will be different.
Anyway, have to congratulate so many friends who scored well in their exams. Hmm... Jushua from my class gets full 12 1A, one of the best result so far in our school. Who else? CW scored quite good as well, Val getting full As, Kok Yi scored 9, etc.... just too much of them to congratulate!
What's next for me? Fill in all the application forms and also prepare for NS. Aikz....
My mom asked me to go appeal for my BM result. Getting 4B for a subject I'm confident with is ridiculous! Maybe I should go settle this appeal in 1 or 2 days time...
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