01 October 2006

1 week holiday

The F3s are having their exam(PMR) for the entire week, so we F5s are given 1 week break to relax and revise a little, for the last one and a half month.

Hmm.... Ms Lee asked us to return to school for extra Geo class. This time I decided NOT TO attend the class, no matter how the beatch reacts. I had enough of her and decided not to give her "face". I'm confident to score an A for Geo without her guidance. I think I could be even worse if I'm under her teaching, more stressful, more pressure for me and in the end affected my other studies.

Anyway, I'm thinking that the REAL SPM isnt that freaky after all. It's just 11 days for me and then I can be free from anything for a period of time.

Lastly, wish all of my F3 juniors can score well in their PMR, heh, it's not that hard really. :P


  1. hey... how come ur blog changed to chinese or is it the problem from my side? dun get so excited la kid i can still visit ur blog here!! hope u can get rid of that bitch lee la.

  2. It must be your net's fault. I'm stil blog in English, everything here stil in Eng.

    Excited? Not really, used to it alrdy.

    The only thing I feel stressed right now is LoP's issue..... very very annoying!! >:(
