Father fetch me to monorail station and I go there by myself.
Arrived there before 10am. Most shops still closed. Nothing really to do, just hanging around.
While I was hanging around at the arcade, Xiung phoned me. Then I only know afew friends had arrived.
Since it's quite early, so we play at the arcade first before joining other friends together.
They're planning to play in the theme park. I didnt join them 'coz I think that's waste of money, I rather spend the money on some other entertainment.
So the other friends settle themselves in the theme park, and myself wondering around looking for what to do.
I saw the cinema's ticket counter was quite empty, so I went there to check up the ticket and time. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith was my choice. I've read many good reviews about the movie thru the net, so I think this movie is worth for the RM 10 price.
Since I'd some time before the show starts, I went to the one and only bookshop in Time Square, BORDERS.
A blogger Simon mentioned BORDERS in his post before. Sounds nice to me.
I met MaksimMrvica.com and Maksim's MSN Group inside there. She told me MaksimMrvica.com will only be open sometime during June, and M'sia currently still dont have The Essential Maksim DVD, which I've been wanted for so long time. :(
I went into the cinema before it's too late. There's not much ppl are inside the cinema. Not as packed as in KLCC.
I'll write review of the movie in the next blog post.
My friend called me around 3pm, when the movie reach to the end. After I reunite with my friend again, then we head to a japanese shop to had our lunch.
I ordered this...
While another friend ordered this...
After the meal we went to shop for some gift for our teacher for nxt week's Teachers' Day celebration. We bought and "egg-like plant" for her, cost RM 38.80.
Some of they want goto Sg Wang to shop for some other things. I left them there, 'coz I dont like going to Sg Wang that kind of place. <_<
Items I bought today:
Birthday girl Mun Ning:
Tell her that NSDS3 said happy birthday.