Basically here's my weekdays routine:
0745: Wake up by alarms (set 4 just in case), get myself ready and prepared going to school.
0805: Start cycling to school.
0830: Reached school. Ate my breakfast and revise some of the previous day's lessons.
Onigiri and coffee. Total cost 205 yen.
0910: Japanese class started. Usually the teacher would start the class just in time according to the bell ring.
We're having 3 periods, each took up 45 mins and 10 mins break in between the periods.
1145: Lunch break. Nowadays I usually went to the Bunkyo Green Court which located opposite the school for meal.
Samples of my lunch in Green Court.
1245: Japanese class resumes. Another 2 periods to go.
1425: Japanese class for the day ended.
Depending on which day, I might have extra subjects to take.
1440: Extra subjects class started.
I took General Subjects (mixture of Geography, History & Sociology) and Maths. Since I dropped English, so I'm free to go at 1425 during Tues & Fri.
1610: Extra subjects class ended. Preparing to ride home.
1635: Reached the hostel. Online checking blogs and emails, while doing homework. I'm a multi-tasker. :)
1815: Dinner prepared by fellow hostelmates. いただきます!
1930: Wash the dishes and had a nice hot shower. Continue with my computing, listening and reading.
0000: Off to bed. Don't really have a fixed time but usually around that time.
Google Maps:
Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, the area my school is located.
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Arakawa, where I'm staying currently.
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