16 April 2005

Nothing special today

Wake up at 8.30am, prepare myself for tuition extra class today. Luckily the Geo class was cancelled today, else I dunno how I face Ms Lee next time. (-___-")

Most ppl shows up sometime around 10am, where the class starts @ 9.30am.
It's great to have tuition classes morning, I felt energetic and I'm 100% concentrate in the class. Today we learn Chem, not a bad experience. :D
Too bad is, next Sat I'm having another extra class, but it crashed with my Geo club trip to somewhere.... etc. I'd to solve this crash next week. But mostly I think I'll miss Fakaruddin's AddMath extra class. :(

I'd my lunch some time around 12.15pm with YeeKai, KokYi and the gangs, in a nearby mamak store. All of us ordered Maggi Goreng(friend noodles).
Later we all went to the cyber cafe just above the mamak store.

I've wasted RM 2 in the cyber cafe, playing some old games. YeeKai is generous enough to borrow me his O2 Jam ID, but I was dissapointed when I cant play O2 Jam due server prob. :(
YeeKai and the rest are busy playing the famous WarCraft III: DoTA.

I left the cyber cafe around 1.45pm, then I took bus back home.

Parents went out for a dancing performance in evening, my mom prepared my dinner.
I was fucked up when I discover ants are in my dinner(a plate of fried rice). I'm battling with those ants and I somehow manage to get rid all of them. No... I didnt spray Shieldtox or whatever to my dinner. If I do, I wont be blogging here, I'll be out due food poisoning. :Seriously, I think it's something weird how the hell those ants are interested with the plate of rice? My mom wont put sugar in fried rice, as what I know. Oh well.... I'll threat those ants I ate as extra protein for myself. :)

I planned to finish up my Moral project tonight, but was bugged by request of my friends. I'm currently helping HueyJiun them to get their info. She's not the only one from her team ask me the same thing.

Tomorrow morning I'll be going to PJ there to recieve my prize money, due to my PMR result(dunno how to say this properly...). I'm not sure about the ammount I'll get now, but I'm 70% sure it's above RM 50. :P

The Legendary Beast - Nobuo Uenatsu.