Tuesday my class finished earlier at 2:30pm. A friend asked me to help with some photo-shootings of his just-delivered baby. Am glad and honoured that he asked me for the favour, happily agreed to help him.
It's a Canon!
EOS 50D.
The new born "baby" is a Canon EOS 50D DSLR camera.
The proud owner, Jian Shan looking happily at the newborn, which is held by another friend Kenji.
The body, with the lens cover take off.
Baby with the bundled lens.
EFS 18-200mm lens.
The lens comes with image stabilizer and auto/manual focus.
The little screen that shows some of the vital infos such as white balance, ISO, focus etc etc.
The complicated functions dial. Lots of unfamiliar options to me.
The rear body. Again, lots of buttons to play around.
The output. Besides th conventional USB, this camera comes with HDMI output as well, nice.
Some accessories bought together. Screen protector, Compact Flash card etc.
That's all for the pics that I took with my Canon IXY. Didn't get to try play around with the DSLR as the battery is being charged.
From what I've seen from the sample pics taken later, the image quality impresses me. The black and white photos are especially amazing! Gonna ask the pics from Jian Shan next time eh....
I kinda like photography, but at this moment I'm doing fine with consumer level product. Am happy with my current Canon IXY 920 IS, ain't planning to change it any time soon definitely.
If I were to consider upgrading camera, I would try out prosumer level camera like this Canon PowerShot G10 which another friend owns.
Photography is not a cheap hobby.
Getting ready for everything, from the DSLR camera body, the lens, kits and accessories would easily cost more than RM 5k, much expensive than my current audiophile hobby.
wow 50D :) I am poisoned by the way :)