Right.... so next Friday would be a special day for me. My birthday that is.
So far no plans of celebration yet, but on the 7th of March I'll be heading up to Genting Highlands for Kitaro Live in Genting 2009 again.
Happened to attended his concert back in Nov 2007 with two friends, it was good but too bad the horrendous sound system ruined the great experience. I hope they do not had such problem this time. Perhaps Genting should consider upgrading their ageing speakers system already.
I already prepared the fund to "cultivate" my collection of CDs, and if there is any album which caught my attention on that day I will not hesitate to buy it.
Talking about end of Feb, I checked my Adsense earnings for this month. Still a little short from $20 mark for this month. Noticed the deep plunge in the earnings since last year Dec "thanks" to the economic recession.
No complains here, as I earn just by keeping this blog running and actively updating.
Decided not to withdraw the money yet as I plan to support myself a little while in Jpn. Luckily Western Union service can be easily reached in many parts of the world.
Only 1 more month to go, I had like 31 days left before I left for the better place. Still haven't sort out anything yet, but I think better start preparing early so that I won't messed up things at the end. You know, the final last few days can be crucial when the time seems to be passing very fast and yet still haven't finish load the things in.
Sis CLH is coming back from UK for a short break just 2 days before I left. Basically she just had a whole day to spend at home before sending me off on the next day. Wanted to learn a few cooking tricks from her but I think due to the retrained time I might just learn all by myself. Theoretically I know how it works, but practically I didn't try it before.
I plan to make one farewell gathering like one Theng Tsing had earlier this month.
The location is tentatively at 4 Happy Seasons restaurant which is quite close to my place. Date might be either 27 or 28 March (Fri or Sat), from evening to night.
Details of the gathering I'll keep it updated on this blog and Facebook too. I'm planning to call all those secondary schoolmates to join. Wanted to ask some collegemates to join as well but I felt it might be awkward there as they do not really know my schoolmates, sort of a little clashed there. Sorry collegemates, but you're always in my mind! :)
I appreciate all the friends I had, but when it comes to inviting people, must be very careful as I do not want my guests felt bored and nothing to do as I may not be able to entertain so many people at once. Learn this lesson during my 16th birthday party (wow that was 4 years ago!!).
So that would be a little updates on my thoughts on the end of Feb. Let's just wish that March and the rest of the months can be a good one for me and everyone!! :)
lol, no wonder u will complain about the 'eaten' 48 hours.
ReplyDeletehahah, 2 days can do lots of things leh.... can have more time to sleep, more time to play computer and more time to be spend on listening to good Q music!! XD