08 May 2005

Sweetener of my mind 1

Evening, Huey Jiun sms'd me, ask me tips for Bio and other subjects for upcoming exam.
I'm delighted, and I phoned her immediately. Dunno why no one pick up the phone, I tried to dial again but still no one picks the phone up.
I sms'd her, tell her that I might call her later(when my parents are going out).

Around 8pm, I recieved a phone call from Huey Jiun herself. She ask me about exam tips, and I've tell her everything I heard.

She complains Bio and Sej is hard to study, whereas I told her I'm having trouble with AddMath and Phyz. Then she tells me some tips for Phyz that I didnt get.
She says Sej and Bio needs to memorize alot, so I tell her if you're interested with the subject, it'll be easy.
She says she's having big pressure studying, whereas I'm studying + online + music + surf net + football + piano.... etc. She says I'm too free alrdy, heh.

She tell me she suppose to ask Sun Hua about the tips, but he's not available for the whole day, so then she decided to ask me(wise decision, girl.). Well of course I'm willing to help her. :)
Then I ask her about the rumours of the braclet. She sounds hiding something, and she tells me Fei Wen gave her that braclet. I didnt ask further then.

She give excuse she want to continue study, so our phone-talk ends there.
Great momment for myself. :D


  1. akakaka... a new prey then =p

  2. She tell me she suppose to ask Sun Hua about the tips, but he's not available for the whole day, so then she decided to ask me(wise decision, girl.).

    What if Sun Hwa was avaiable that whole day?

  3. Xin Ying,

    Chin Wei,
    Walao.... 一针见血....
    Well perhaps that is my lucky momment? :D
